Just finished another painting before the Christmas Season/ New year comes and goes. This tiger makes me a bit sad looking at him, but I still like it.
This is a commission painting I did for Eva who is sending this back east to her friends (the parents of Emmett) for Christmas. Merry Christmas Emmett!
Here's the sketch for a painting I'm doing for the Bruce Lee themed "Nature of Water" show at Gallery Nucleus next month. Drawing all those little guys seemed like a good idea until I realized that I'd have to paint them all.
Opening this Saturday at the JFlynn Gallery in Costa Mesa is the "Tree Trimming 2" show. It will feature one of a kind Christmas ornaments created by a number of artists including Calef Brown, Jaime Zollars, Megan Brain. Here are some pictures of my ornament, "Twohead Christmas" made out of wood and painted with cel vinyl. Come check it out, the opening is from 7-10PM.
Something that I was did last week for the project I am working on. I posted the Before and after. I gotta say I love seeing how you can age and weather digitally. It was really fun to make this super bright photoshop image all bleached, dirty, and torn.
I have been very busy lately, with getting married, getting a job and moving there doesn't seem like there would be much time for art...but there is! Here is the latest commission I did. It is 5x7 and done in cel-vinyl, oh yeah it is based on a tufted titmouse.
I have been taking part in this new Life Drawing Club up at UC Davis. The members are cool, the atmosphere is relaxed, and the models are nude. What more could one ask for. I'll be honest with everyone. I think it has been something like three solid years since I did any life drawing. I know I know. But now that I have started up again man it feels great. I didn't know I had missed it so much.
Here is another character that I've been working on. He shows up in shot #06. He doesn't do much but I had a heck of a time getting all those shell colors to animate. I think there is a level of detail when it comes to animated characters that may be just too much. Lesson learned. On to the next shot.
Much of the inspiration for the animation style came from a cycle test of a turtle walking I did awhile ago. It worked, so I decided to up the complexity of the characters. The original can still be seen on YouTube.
I realized that the giant looked too much like a giant kid and not enough like a monster. So I changed his design a bit but still kept him goofy looking.
Here's a Photoshop color comp for a new painting. I want to come up with a story about a kid who brings a two headed monster to show and tell, hopefully this gives me some inspiration.
Also, the "Cereal Killers" book was recently mentioned on Newsweek's blog and on Drawn.ca. I can't wait to see the finished book.
I'm still hard at work but I though I might post a little something that I was working on today. This is a Grasshopper that makes an appearance in shot 23 of my film. I got the idea for having him in my film one day I was out location scouting. I found a beer bottle on the side of the road that was full of these dead grasshoppers. The bottle was probably thrown from a car and landed in the grass. Since it was the desert I think they all must have gotten trapped inside looking for something to drink. I thought it was interesting so I poured out a pile of exoskeletons and took a picture.
Here's my contribution to the upcoming "Cereal Killers" art book, a collection of monster themed breakfast cereal art. The book will feature work by some amazing artists including Lou Romano, Bill Wray, and Craig McCracken. It'll be out by the end of the year, check out some more of the artwork at the Cereal Killers Blog.
Check it out.....the show Dik and Mike have been working on for the last year and a half has finally come out on dvd. There are a whole bunch of extras including the animated guitar tutorial Mike did. A must have for any serious dvd collectors library.
Here's a little painting that I made for last month's "Revenge of the Ninja" show at Gallery Nucleus. It measures 3x3 inches and is painted in gouache.
This months issue of Guitar World Magazine features a guitar lesson from Skwisgaar from the show Metalocalypse. The lesson is on a free CD packaged with the magazine. Mike Roush animated all 5 minutes and 36 seconds of it. Most of the lesson centers around the fret acurate animation that has become a halmark of the shows animation. The lesson will also be a special feature on the Metalocaypse DVD due to release on OCT 2nd.
So as we were exhibiting at comic con a reporter came by The Those Guys Booth and asked me and Josh Pruetts wife some questions about comic con and who we are etc. So looks like my quote i gave him became part of his title about the comic con. Check it out!
Those too lazy to read here is what my quote said: “It's evolved into a monster,” said Matt Spangler, an artist who was selling paintings at Comic-Con.
The group show "Packed and Loaded" opens next week on Tuesday the 19th. I'm busy touching up the paintings and cutting mattes. Opening night is from 7-10pm and the show will include work by eight artists all together. This is my first time showing at Gallery 1988, so I'm excited. I hope to see you there.
Gallery 1988 7020 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90038
The "Packed and Loaded" show is coming up fast, I have three more paintings to get done. Here are the color comps for two of them.
I painted the tree illustration in Photoshop first then I made this small gouache version to make sure that I could mix the colors correctly, I've been having trouble matching colors from my monitor to the final piece so I've been adding this step in between. Also, in the final, there'll be a little guy sitting up in the tree playing a guitar.
The June issue of Nickelodeon Magazine features an original comic, "Troll Bridge", by me. Thanks to Chris Duffy and Dave Roman at the magazine for making sure the story was the best it could be. And thanks to my fellow "The Those Guys" for giving me advice as I tweaked the story, especially Mike Roush who helped me come up with an ending that tied it all together. Here's a panel from the comic.
So as of Sunday, May 20th, 2007, The Those Guy, Ry-Ry Hernandez, is officially off the meet market. He is now locked in the deadly jaws of holy matrimony with his lovely wife Vanessa. It was a great wedding, taking place in Kauai. Congratulations you silly lovers, may your lives together be full of wonderful suprises and joy.
The line drawing and Photoshop color comp are for two recently completed paintings for the upcoming group show at Gallery 1988 called "Packed and Loaded".
The "River Giant" goauche painting is for next month's "Power In Numbers" show at Nucleus. The show will include 5x7 paintings by a ton of artists including fellow TTG's Matt Spanger, Richard Pose, and Justin Ridge. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the paintings will go to benefit breast cancer research. From the few paintings I've seen I can tell it's going to be a great show.
This is a picture I took today of a maquette I made of a Burrowing Owl. I made it with Chavante, armature wire and two teddy bear eyes. He is perched on a small block that represents the post of a barbed wire fence. I love sculpting, especially when I get seriously burned out with drawing or animating.....It seems to bring me right back.
One painting down. Here is the color comp for the next one. I made a few pencil sketches, but I didn't figure out a composition I liked until I took them into Photoshop. The challenge is to make the lasers and red guy's face pop against the surrounding colors.
I've been invited to participate in a group show at Gallery 1988 in Santa Monica opening on June 19th. Here's a color comp for the painting I'm working on right now. It's a redo of a painting I did last year that I recently realized wasn't as strong as I had originally thought.
Over the next couple of months I'll be posting drawings and color comps for the show's work. Stay tuned.
Okay, so Round 1 of our "friendly" animation competiton is officially finished! I wasn't able to fully complete the last scene of my submission, but I learned a lot getting back into Flash and am ready for the next round!